Friday, March 16, 2007


I saved some good notes from the classes and tutorials I've been taking, but they seem to have lost their formatting. I spent a quite a bit of time formatting them with bullets under Word and did a copy-paste to the bottom of this blog. I don't know if there is any way to attach a Word doc or copy past keeping the formatting, but at least I will have the formatted notes for my computer.

Five Steps to Multimedia Reporting Class

I have gone through a number of the classes in the Five Steps to Multimedia Reporting class done by Berkely.
Under the main heading of Course I have completed:
Choosing a Story
Within each of these sections there are a lot of examples, and I spend a large amount of time going through these examples of multimedia in the marketplace.

I have been making notes of the main concepts or of the things I didn't know to keep so I can refer back to them.

I will now see if I can link to a page of my notes that I would like to store on this site. Here is that link:

Tutorials on

During the first few weeks of March I have gone through many of the Dreamweaver MX tutorials on This is a very good site. I would like to purchase the new version of Dreamweaver when it is released. If you know the site where students and professors can go for very cheap software, let me know. I remember checking for the student priced software in the past and it is a BIG savings. I also want to buy Photoshop CS, funds permitting.

I hope to finish the Dreamweaver MX tutorial this next week.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Trying to post web site

I have been working on my web site on Cosquer Cave. I started this several years ago, but have added a lot of information and photos. Just this week I found a report of a revisit to the cave that I was not even aware of. I'm not sure that all of the pages that I worked on have been updated yet, but to see the web site you may click on the Cosquer Cave link to the right. I wanted to place a square photo there to click on instead of a link, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

I am trying to complete the tutorials on Dreamweaver before putting all of my information together for the newest web site which will be on Mayan cave rituals in Belize and Guatemala.

I am planning to make this newer site so there is no need for scrolling. I am also planning on redoing the Cosquer Cave site using "chunking" (smaller chunks of information that fit on one page.) I don't like the design of that site at all.

Questions (if you know the answers): I can't remember how to make the movie or the pages appear in the middle of each web page.

I also don't know how to add a link to the end of the flash movie that will link back to the home page automatically if someone clicks on the word end.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Creating Web Sites

I have been working on two web sites for my archaeology class. One of them I have posted in the online student postings and I am in the process of editing. I have used some of the parts of this site in the past, but have added substantially to it. It is site with information on the paintings in Cosquer Cave, a fascinating cave in France with an underwater entrance. A second exploration of this cave was done in recent years, and I will be adding further to that site and then posting the url on this blog.

The second is a new site on the rituals of the Mayans in the caves of Belize and Guatemala. (Can you tell I love caves? In the past, before I got older and hurt my ankle, I went wild caving with the lighted helmet and kneepads, etc.) I have a lot of studying to do and photos to download before I begin that site. I also have signed up for the tutorials and begun the movies on Photoshop Elements and Dreamweaver MX. I am contemplating buying the new versions of CS and Dreamweaver 8 while I still get student discounts, but have to make some $$ first.

So, it is on to the tutorials and work on the web sites.